Document Management System Types

Document Management System Types

Over the last decades, the business sector has witnessed great transformations due to the strong influence of an unprecedented technological revolution. Such changes have fostered the development of a new techno-economic paradigm, made up of a set of computer innovations and organizational principles, with a modernizing effect on the entire economic and social fabric, both locally and globally. This reality is part of a greater phenomenon: the emergence of a planetary society that focuses on information.


Every organization that wishes to be inserted in this new world order based on information, must plan a strategy that allows it to be able to adapt and improve permanently, incorporating information and communication technologies, and inserting management principles and models that promote the implementation of innovations. In this context, the Documentary Management Systems promoted by the different ISO standards, have become, in a few years, an essential strategic element for the companies. These standards establish guidelines, policies and directives that favorably affect all processes associated with Document Management.


Currently, ISO standards have evolved to allow working with documents, not only in hard copy, but also in digital format. The purpose is to maximize Document Management with an important standardization process of its theories and practices, applicable to different organizations, both public and private. Thus, the different types of Document Management Systems of the ISO standards have become dynamic elements of business competitiveness, providing solutions to all kinds of challenges, such as decision making optimization and improvement in the service provision, among many others.


Main ISO standards related to Document Management


Throughout its history, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has approved numerous standards related to Document Management. Each one of them was a milestone of great relevance, since it streamlines the administrative management of companies and facilitates efficient and systematic control in the creation, maintenance, use and disposal of documents. In fact, the family of ISO standards has given rise to the emergence of different Types of Document Management Systems. Some of the most relevant are the following:


  • ISO 15489 standard: basically, it is divided into two parts. In the first, the basic concepts, principles and requirements of Document Management in organizations are defined, specifying the elements that must be taken into account to guarantee efficient performance. In the second part, a technical report is offered that provides a methodology for the implementation of a Document Management System based on the principles defined in the first part.
  • ISO 15801 Standard: describes the implementation and operation of Document Management Systems that store information in electronic format, providing solutions to different aspects: reliability, trustworthiness, authenticity and integrity. Furthermore, it specifies how to safeguard the life cycle of an electronic document, from the moment of initial acquisition to its eventual destruction.
  • ISO 18492 standard: provides practical and methodological orientation for the long-term preservation and eventual recovery of electronic information based on documents, when the preservation period extends beyond the useful life of the supporting technology, both in terms of hardware and software. The challenge is that technology does not condition the creation and implementation of the Document Management Systems.
  • ISO 19005 standard: it deals specifically with the subject of document management in electronic archive format for long-term preservation. With this norm, a new family of ISO standards is initiated, designed to respond to the growing need to preserve information in electronic documents, guaranteeing its perfect safeguarding for long periods of time.
  • ISO 32000 Standard: specifies a digital format for the implementation of a Document Management that makes possible the use and exchange of electronic documents, regardless of the technological environment in which they have been created, modified or managed.
  • ISO 30300 standard: sets out the terms and definitions applicable to the standards on Management Systems for Records (MSR). In addition, it defines the conditions for the implementation of an MSR, specifying its principles and offering a process-based approach with functions for the top management of an organization.
  • ISO 30301 Standard: details the necessary requirements to develop a records management policy. It also defines the objectives and goals that an organization must assume in order to adequately implement the systemic improvements that are necessary for effective Document Management.
  • ISO 9000 Standard: while it is true that the vast family of ISO 9000 standards is designed specifically for the quality management of products and services in organizations, it also offers guidance regarding different tools related to the Document Management Systems.

The benefits of LOYAL SOLUTIONS’ Document Management software


Efficient, flexible and powerful, the Document Management software of LOYAL SOLUTIONS has been specifically developed to carry out the control, revision, publication, updating and consultation of the databases, providing an excellent digital resource for SMEs and large companies.


Our Document Management software offers the following benefits:

  • Quick access to all the information available in the company, thanks to a simple location of the documents.
  • Personalization of workflows, due to a highly intuitive interface offered by the software.
  • Confidentiality of documentation, through restricted access assigned to each individual user.
  • Possibility of comparing the different versions of a document, thanks to an unlimited record of the changes made.
  • Increase in productivity, due to a considerable reduction in work in the revision and approval of documents.
  • Efficient protection of information, through a single centralized database, which avoids duplications and redundancies.
  • Extensive cost savings, through lower paper consumption and very low maintenance of printers and photocopiers.


Now then, given that our platform is designed to optimize all the processes associated with the development of organizations, in LOYAL SOLUTIONS we not only offer the Document Management Module (DMS), but also four others destined for Quality Management (QMS), Performance Management (KPI), Risk Management (RSK) and Compliance Management (CMP).

Over two decades of history, a vast experience in 13 Latin American countries and a portfolio that exceeds 150,000 users, in LOYAL SOLUTIONS we have all our processes certified under the strictest ISO standards. For more information, please consult our specialists.

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