“ Loyal provides added value by centralising documents, facilitating the review and authorisation processes, with automatic dispatches and notifications. ”

Quality Manager at Synergy Aromas LTDA, Synergy Flavors combines art and science to generate an exceptional range of flavours, extracts and essences present in various countries around the world.
From São Paulo, Brazil, the company offers delicious foods and beverages to its clients, taking into account consumer insights and its own technical expertise.
Moreover, the company is strongly committed to sustainability and has taken steps to reduce its carbon impact at all levels of its business activities, starting from the raw materials it produces to the ingredients it uses.
After researching different options, Synergy Flavors chose to incorporate the Document Management System from Loyal Solutions into the manual process they had been using. The Quality Manager, Dilermando Zulke , explains that the digitisation and parameterisation went very smoothly thanks to the confidence and exchange of ideas between the parties, which allowed practical decisions to be made and facilitated the tasks.
Dilermando was already familiar with the Loyal Solutions system due to the experience of an employee of the company who was very satisfied with it. However, it was the initially good attendance and the quality of the presentations that convinced him and the management board.
The confidence and the exchange of ideas between client and consultant during the parameterisation made the process very smooth and the decisions and tasks came out very practical.
Loyal Solutions’ arrival at Synergy Flavors came in the midst of the pandemic context, facilitating the centralisation of documents, review processes, and the authorisation of automated submissions and notifications.
However, flexible timing and different stages were required to achieve full implementation of the platform, as many of the company’s activities were suspended or paralysed by the Covid-19 virus.
The new software trainings were conducted virtually, but were also recorded so that they could be viewed by those users who did not attend on the scheduled date.
Today almost the entire staff has got used to the system, although there are still areas that require more assistance.
In this regard, Dilermando highlights the commitment to deadlines and the project by the professionals at Loyal Solutions.
The person who assisted us during the implementation was able to help us in several cases where we had difficulties. I would rate it a 10 – very satisfied.
The Loyal Solutions system also collaborated in the certification of the Food Safety System FSSC 22000 a standard used to audit companies on food safety management , . This ensures the safety of products during their production and manufacture, whether they are plant and/or animal products.
Dilermando says that, although at the beginning there were some difficulties with the digitisation and visualisation of some documents, they have overcome the audits and have seen several points of improvement.
In this pandemic context, Loyal adds value by centralising documents and facilitating the review and authorisation process, with automated submissions and notifications.
Synergy Flavors is a company that is constantly expanding and, in addition to its plant in Brazil, it has offices in the United States, Italy, Thailand, Ireland and the United Kingdom. However, its productivity does not neglect sustainability and care for the environment. In this sense, the US offices comply with the LEED certification standards of the US Green Committee.
The Ohio-based factory has a variety of processes and capabilities designed to reduce environmental impact. For example, it has a “closed loop” system for its cooling water pumps, which has enabled it to save more than one million gallons per year. In addition, it uses high-efficiency lights so they are only activated by a motion sensor, avoiding wasted energy.
Although it is too early to evaluate the impact of Loyal Solutions, I would highly recommend it to other companies.
As well as Synergy Flavors, other companies and SMEs rely on the Loyal Solutions software platform to manage, control, review, check, consult and update all their documents. This system reduces paper consumption by 85 per cent and, as a result, considerably reduces the operating costs of printer maintenance, photocopiers, etc.
Document review and approval times are shortened, and unnecessary loss and duplication are eliminated. Finally, one hundred percent secure access is guaranteed through a scoping scheme, in which only authorised users can access the required information.
Our clients’ experiences speak for themselves and we at Loyal Solutions can only thank them for letting us accompany them in this process of continuous improvement . We will keep striving to give you the best.