It is very positive to have Loyal as a supporting tool for the continuous improvement of our management system. We keep making advances in exploring its potential benefits. 
Silvana Daverio (Ph.D. Pharmaceutical Sciences) – Karina Fiezzoni (Ph.D. Pharmaceutical Sciences)
Quality Assurance Dept.



Domecq & Lafage is a medical clinical laboratory testing provider that has been rendering services to the Hospital Alemán in Buenos Aires for more than 40 years.
Its main goal is focused on quality service and patient safety. As well as the processing plant in the Hospital Alemán, the facilities located in Recoleta, Villa Devoto, Villa Urquiza, Martínez and Ramos Mejía have been carefully conceived to provide personalized attention and patients’ comfort.
Encompassing all specialties, such as clinical biochemistry, endocrinology, immunology, microbiology, molecular biology and genomics oncology, the laboratory offers a broad testing menu with more than 1000 tests and the capability of developing new parameters tailored to meet the physician’s needs.
Domecq & Lafage operates state-of-the-art analytical instruments and software that allows to carry out preanalitycal, analytical and post analytical processes. Information consolidation and centralization, along with the medical records storage, enable the analysis and interpretation of clinical history, facilitating the communication of critical values in real time.

Special Services to patients and physicians:

  • Lab services available 24×7 at the Hospital Alemán.
  • Pre and post analytical advice for physicians.
  • Tests Guide and online results interpretation.
  • Instructions for patient’s preparation and collection of samples.
  • Results & reports available via web.
  • Collection of samples in your home.


Domecq & Lafage Laboratories purchased the three modules developed by LOYAL: DMS – Document Management System, QMS -Quality Management System- and KPI – Key Performance Indicator. Currently, only the QMS is being used for findings and NC management and, in the short term, DMS will be implemented for administration and documents management. Quality management system of the laboratory comprises the processes for conducting clinical tests and the supporting areas such as Systems, Administration and Marketing.


  • Computerize the Quality Management System.
  • Involve all lab staff in the collaborative use of a common tool.
  • Reduce data entry tasks in the Quality Assurance Dept. in order to focus on the improvement of other processes within the organization.


  • Collaborative work and staff involvement.
  • Cooperation from all the facilities in the deviation detection and reporting using Loyal.
  • Elimination of rework or duplicate entry of Non-Conformity and findings. Before using Loyal, findings and NC were manually reported on writing, for further registration in an Access database at the Quality Assurance Dept., creating extra work and consequently more chances for mistakes.
  • Classification and prioritization of findings.
  • Familiarization of the Biochemical Residents with the use of Loyal tools. As a part of their Training program, the Biochemical Residents work for a month at the Quality Assurance Dept. All residents carry out, individually, a little Project using Loyal tools, aimed at improving the management system, for example the design of the corrective and preventive maintenance program for the equipment.


  • Migrate existing documents to Loyal DMS module.
  • Use Loyal tools as a support for improving processes, such as Training Personnel, Work Accident’s record and follow up, Employee sign up forms.


  • Patients reception.
  • Samples collection and reception.
  • Analytical sectors/depts.
  • Quality Assurance.
  • Technical Direction.
  • Facilities.
  • Systems.
  • Administration.
  • Marketing.