At Cipel we had positive changes in the company and achieved new results from the use of the Loyal tool. The system moved along with our certifications, it was a great success. 


IT Analyst, Cipel.


Today we present a new testimony of the company Cipel de Pádua Indústria de Papéis Ltda , located in the city of Santo Antônio de Pádua, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Characterised by recycling with quality and valuing the natural resources of its country, Cipel works with recycled paper as raw material for its products, making them more resistant, durable and always environmentally friendly, since its production uses pure fibres, requiring less aggressiveness in chemical processes.

We interviewed Roberto Ruiz Junior Junior, from the city of Caieiras, São Paulo. He is part of the IT Management area of Munksjo Brazil, who support Cipel. Speaking about what the situation was like before working with the Loyal Solutions system, Roberto said:

 We were using a manual system to control the management of quality documents but, over time, we realised that this method was no longer sufficient. We started looking for a workflow system, in which each area could work on documentation, version control and documentation expiry dates, distribution, electronic document management (EDM). Our solution appeared during this search process: Loyal Solutions’ software Loyal Solutions.

Looking back to the beginning of our collaboration that started more than 10 years ago , Roberto explained that the company’s objective was to find a product that was able to offer this technology, since at that time there were few workflow systems that were practical to use on a day-to-day basis. Regarding the difficulties that arose during the search, he commented that there were few products on the market that specialised in this type of solution, with easy implementation and attractive costs. They got to know the Loyal system through various searches and, at that time, they received a visit from a sales manager, and finally opted to purchase our system:

We decided to contract Loyal Solutions’ software because we liked the tool very much, it met the requirements that had been proposed by our QMS. The system has been used to achieve our LSO goals in document control and in many audits, fully meeting the requirements.

Concerning the implementation process ,, Roberto explained that there were some challenges because the SGQ needed to modify the system’s parameterisation quite a lot, but they were gradually overcome, and with the software improvements, those goals were finally achieved. As a positive point, our interviewee highlighted that the employees in the office were able to adapt quickly to the system , but they also had the challenge of expanding the tool to the factory site. After an adaptation period, everyone learned to use Loyal without any problems and it became part of the daily work at Cipel:

At Cipel we had positive changes in the company and achieved new results from the use of the Loyal tool. The system moved along with our certifications, it was a great success.

Regarding the customer service, Roberto emphasised the professionalism of our consultant Márcio Passos , who has been a great partner from the very beginning. Currently, there are new challenges around our partnership. Roberto highlighted that Cipel’s new goal is to have its products updated to the latest version of LOYAL Solutions 6.4 4 and to provide improvements for users. When asked if he would recommend our software to other colleagues, he replied as follows:

Of course I would recommend LOYAL Solutions. Regarding the software, we are very relaxed nowadays, we were able to reach the necessary maturity and all the challenges were overcome; the biggest reward is our certifications and all these years working together. In addition, we are sure that Loyal will continue to work to provide us with improvements every year.

From the Loyal team, we are deeply grateful to Cipel for choosing us for so many years and we promise to work together to continue evolving and improving the company.