Our company is located in a rural location and we often have connectivity problems. In this situation, Loyal Solutions was the perfect answer, since it works well wherever you are. We at Cremigal are extremely satisfied with the system. 



Cremigal's Quality Manager


From Loyal Solutions we present a new testimony with Cremigal, , a dairy company acquired in 1987 by Raul Valenti and currently managed by his children, who continue with his legacy. After 30 years, the tradition continues, with the aim of constantly investing in innovation, continuous improvement and the search for new markets, both nationally and internationally. The company’s main objective is to keep reaching every home, creating great moments in the lives of all consumers.

Cremigal’s dairy plant is located in the rural area of General Galarza, Entre Ríos province, Argentina. There, they produce their products based on Holando cow’s milk, bringing the highest quality dairy products to every home in the country.

Belén Patiño , Cremigal’s Quality Manager, tells us through a video call how the Loyal Solutions system contributes to the continuous improvement process. The idea of implementing a quality management system arose from the need to organize the documentation of the different areas of the company. They got to know our software through Matías Ansaldi, Loyal’s sales representative, who contacted them through LinkedIn. They had a first virtual meeting and, later, another remote meeting with the systems team. They were convinced by the presentation and what Loyal had to offer, as well as by the economic benefits. Thus, and with all these points previously evaluated, they decided to move forward with the implementation process.

Once the decision to implement Loyal was made, they began the process, which was led by Cecilia Lupi. During the training, our consultants assisted and accompanied them to guide the staff in the use and administration of the new tools.

The implementation process was a very positive experience. We were always on the same page and Cecilia was very patient with us. In the trainings we practiced everything, the document uploading part, which is the simplest step, and then we put together the non-conformities part. All this was achieved by easily adapting to our previous format.

With the Loyal Solutions system, Cremigal can manage the documentation of the drying line, which is between 100 and 500 documents, in addition to the documentation related to the standards and certifications they have, all this in a more agile and efficient way. The company is currently certified and implementing the HACCP standard in the 25 kg bag drying system.

Regarding the level of satisfaction in the use of Loyal, Belén comments:

Loyal works perfectly and we are very satisfied with the results. Our biggest concern had to do with Cremigal’s geographic position and the connectivity difficulties that comes with that. We are literally in the middle of the countryside, 2.5 km from town. However, that was not an impediment to the proper performance of the system.

As we mentioned in the introduction of the article, the factory is located in General Galarza, Department of Gualeguay, Entre Ríos, on National Route 12. For the members of the company, the correct performance of the system is extremely important, taking into account these particular circumstances of the location. Fortunately, Loyal highly fulfilled their expectations on this point, and the Cremigal team recommends the implementation of the Loyal Solutions Quality Management System for the rest of the companies in the country and in Latin America.